Hello readers,
Have you thought about how you are going to find time to study? Or do you have a great plan already in motion?
Finding time to study has been one of the things I have worried about most when considering if it was possible for me to successfully study at home with small children in the house. If I couldn't dedicate some regular blocks of time to my course then I felt that it would surely become too hard and I would soon give up.
So, what to do? I decided I'd better put together a plan and this is what it ended up looking like:
Ha ha ha! Not very professional but I understand it (kind of). I think using my daughters textas and letting her stamp a fairy picture on the top really give it that certain je ne sais quoi!
My plan is to get up at 4am (ouch) and study for 2.5 - 3 hours depending on when my children wake up. I am also lucky enough to have some time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the day when the children's grandmother is able to babysit them for me.
I decided to get up early in the morning to study because I am definitely more clear headed then. Some people are morning people and some people are night owls. I am the former. I also thought it would be prudent to make sure that I had allocated regular time to study when my children were asleep and unlikely to distract me.
I expect there are going to be some times when I need to dedicate more time to studying eg. when an assignment is due or at exam time. This is when I may have to start studying on Saturday and/or Sunday mornings too and also try to find some time during the day when my children are home.
This brings up another question. How am I going to study with two demanding children wanting my attention?
My first thought was 'Sesame Street' on a continuous loop! Unfortunately it would probably only buy me an hour before my 3 year old would probably be looking for alternative stimulation. That's when I decided to Google for some other people's ideas.
My favourite link is the following: Studying With Children Underfoot.
Many different websites had referenced it and I think I will refer back to it from time to time in the months ahead.
Do you have any good tips and tricks? Please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this post.
Bye for now!
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