Monday, 16 July 2012

The countdown begins...

Hello readers and welcome to my blog.
I would like to introduce myself. I am Study Mommy. This is the pseudonym I have chosen and I hope, like some kind of super hero, that it is going to give me the power to get through the big endeavour I am about to undertake.
In exactly 2 weeks I begin my university degree (cough) at the tender age of 30. Yes, it is pretty late to start on a new career but it took me this long to work out what I wanted to do. You could call me a late bloomer! More on that another time...
So, 'Study Mommy' implies that I am a mommy. Yes, I am! I decided to start up this blog because I found a lack of information for moms deciding to study. It was hard to find much information on how it felt to be a studying mom, what tactics could be used to help get through the tough times and I felt like there wasn't much of a community feeling out there. Maybe my blog could start something! Readers comments may be the thing that gets me through this and maybe some other studying mommies (or daddies) out there too!
Putting my cards out on the table, this is what I will be up against when I start in 2 weeks time:
* I shall be studying online
* with a 3.5 year old and 10 month old to attend to
* with a husband that works away for 2/3 of the year
Daunting - yes! But I am up for the challenge. In the words of the famous artist Picasso 'I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it'. This is my mantra for the moment.
My baby boy has just woken up from his nap so...
Bye for now!

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