goes to me! I can't believe I last blogged in July and it is now almost the end of October! So much has happened since then. In summary:
1) I started Uni. This is probably the main reason that I have been so tardy in my posting. My studies commenced and suddenly my spare time disappeared. I started out so well and kept up with my weekly study tasks and then panic set in when I realised that a family holiday that we had booked coincided with the handing in of two of my assessments. Eek! So every minute was spent on trying to get these assessments ready to hand in prior to our holiday.
2) We went on holiday to Vietnam for two weeks. This was pretty great until we all started falling ill. My daughter actually ended up in hospital for 2 nights with Tonsilitis and Gastro. Arghhh! Despite all of this there are some great photos proving that we were having such a fun time over there.
3) My husband has a new job so at the end of the year we are moving to a new city. This has meant that I should really be packing up the house whenever I'm not studying (or holidaying!).
As you can see, it has been busy times. So how is the Uni going now? Well, I'm currently waaaay behind on my Psych unit reading and online lectures (arghhhhhhhhhh!) but all the extra time I put into my assessments has paid off as I received a High Distinction and a Distinction :-)
I have my first exam in about 3 weeks and I am FREAKING OUT! Exams were never my strongpoint in school and I doubt that the years would have improved this. It doesn't help that my time is spent trying to catch up on my Psych unit instead of revising. Ah well, we shall see how it all goes!
If anyone else out there is about to face exams, I wish you the best of luck!